Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Panel Listrik Medium Voltage SM6 Schneider

Unit Definitions
Below is the list of SM6 units used in MV/LV
transformer substations and industrial distribution
  1. IM, IMC, IMB switch
  2. PM fused switch
  3. QM, QMC, QMB fuse-switch combination
  4. CRM, CVM contactor and contactor with fuses
  5. DM1-A, DM1-D, DM1-S single-isolation disconnectable SF6 type circuit breaker
  6. DMV-A, DMV-D, DMV-S single-isolation vacuum type circuit breaker frontal
  7. DMVL-A, DMVL-D single-isolation disconnectable vacuum type circuit breaker lateral
  8. DM1-W, DM1-Z withdrawable single-isolation SF6 type circuit breaker
  9. DM2 double-isolation disconnectable SF6 type circuit breaker
  10. DM2-W withdrawable double-isolation SF6 type circuit breaker only for 36 kV
  11. CM, CM2 voltage transformers
  12. GBC-A, GBC-B current and/or voltage measurements 
  13. NSM-cables for main incoming and standby 
  14. NSM-busbars for main incoming and cables for standby 
  15. GIM intermediate bus unit
  16. GEM extension unit
  17. GBM connection unit
  18. GAM2, GAM incoming cable connection unit
  19. SM disconnector
  20. TM MV/LV transformer unit for auxiliaries 
  21. Other units, consult us 
  22. Special function EMB busbar earthing only for 24 kV.

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